Leading Affordable Housing Experts Weigh in on AB 3190
Leading Affordable Housing Experts Weigh in on AB 3190

Leading Affordable Housing Experts Weigh in on AB 3190

For Immediate Release        Contact: Molly Weedn

Date August 29, 2024            [email protected]

SACRAMENTO- The California Council for Affordable Housing, a leading advocacy organization dedicated to facilitating the development and expansion of affordable housing throughout state, has released the following statement from Executive Director Jenna Abbott in response to AB 3190 passing out of the California State Senate:

“The California Council for Affordable Housing is urging the Assembly to oppose the changes made to AB 3190 and stop it from passing out of the State Legislature. California needs to reduce barriers to building more affordable housing and while the efforts of AB 3190 may be well intentioned, the result will greatly impact the future of affordable housing.

Recent studies show that requiring prevailing wage on nearly ALL low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) projects will drive up the costs of affordable development by as much as $94,000 at a time when existing resources are already scare. The unfortunate reality of this bill is that it will require more local, state and federal resources to pay for the increased costs resulting from new requirements, which takes away from building more affordable housing that California so desperately needs.

We urge the Assembly to do the right thing for the people of California by opposing this bill.   AB 3190 should never reach the Governor’s desk.”


About CCAH

CCAH is dedicated to facilitating the development and expansion of affordable housing throughout California and is committed to working with stakeholders and policymakers to achieve a pathway to increased affordable housing. Our membership is a broad-based group of non-profit organizations, builders, developers, lenders, housing advocates and others who work together to expand housing throughout the state.