We had great response to our request for VETO letters from Governor Newsom on AB3190. Thanks to your action, we submitted almost two dozen letters by last week’s deadline. We thank all of you for answering our call to action.
While we are making progress the work isn’t done yet and we, along with our partner organizations, continue to drive towards defeating this bill. To that end, we penned an Op Ed outlining how devastating AB 3190 would be for Californians and, late last Thursday, we issued a media release.
Use Social Media to Build Momentum For A VETO

Social Media can be an effective way to bring attention to a cause and we want to ensure that you are equipped with messaging to voice your concerns with AB 3190. To help with that we have crafted a few template social media messages for you to edit and post. Please @ or # California Council for Affordable Housing or CCAH on Facebook, LinkedIn and X so we can amplify your posts.
Post #1: YOUR COMPANY urges @CAgovernor to veto #AB3190. We need to reduce barriers to affordable housing, not create more.
Post #2: #AB3190 will significantly increase the cost of affordable housing in CA. We must not go back on the progress we have made in building more housing units. Please veto this bill @CAgovernor
Post #3: California does not have enough affordable housing to meet our needs. #AB3190 will have serious consequences and will add nearly $100k PER UNIT of affordable housing being built. Please veto this bill @CAgovernor.
While we spent a lot of time and energy on AB 3190, it was far from the only piece of advocacy we undertook on your behalf. We also requested a VETO from the Governor on AB 846 and requested his signature on SB 937, AB 2430, AB 1886, AB 1820 and AB 2117. You can see the full list of bills we tracked and took positions on here.
There are over 900 bills on the Governor’s desk which must be either signed or VETOed by September 30. We continue to do everything we can to ensure affordable housing is supported and appreciate your membership and partnership which is what allows us to continue this work on your behalf.